In today’s lifestyle, most of the world’s population identifies as a part of a certain religion, with Christian ideologies often being pushed to the front of everyday life regardless of the separation of church and state. As the idea of religion plays a part of a massive percentage of the world’s population, I was interested in the congregation between set religion and the unknown future for this art piece. By using mostly Night Café, I was able to produce images based on various aspects of the Christian religion (afterlife, hell, heaven, god, etc.) but with the cyberpunk look to see what AI would produce. I was instantly intrigued with the outcome, as the AI would often produce images that were completely different from what I had imagined. After learning the different ways to glitch the photos, I found that I enjoyed using the Textedit approach the most because I could tweak each individual glitch and then see the outcome immediately after. I also found that I could make the biggest and most colorful glitches using the Audacity approach, in which I also enjoyed. Personally, I did not think that pixel sorting gave as many personal options to glitching the photo but does greatly alter the image. In a few of the pieces in this project, I combined both the Audacity and the Textedit approaches and was able to continue to further the glitches even more, which I thought was extremely strong. If I was to do this project again, I would want to use the AI altered images to produce trippy GIF’s, an option I didn’t realize at the time was available but am interested in making in the future. Throughout this project, the lines between stable religion and the fragile unknown of the future conjoin to produce a feeling of confusion and darkness within an overpowering force in today’s society, religion.
Above is some of the pictures I used in the process and some I thought of as inspiration for glitches I tried to convey.